View Full Version : QGLWidget tilts on continuous resize ?

4th July 2011, 12:16
I have modified the 2dpainting example for QGL to let the QGLwidget & Native answer to the main window resize (the original example has a fixed size) .
I have discover that QGLwidgets tilts on every repaint
Is this the normal behavior ?


Dong Back Kim
5th August 2011, 03:04
I have modified the 2dpainting example for QGL to let the QGLwidget & Native answer to the main window resize (the original example has a fixed size) .
I have discover that QGLwidgets tilts on every repaint
Is this the normal behavior ?


That could be due to many reasons. Double buffering? Widget layout re-positioning? your graphic card? living in Japan and hit by constant earth quake? (last one is a joke you know that right?)

Dong Back Kim