View Full Version : How to set the decoration hightlighted when select a row in QTreeView

5th July 2011, 04:10

I want to hightlight the whole row when select it in QTreeView.
But it seems the decoration (+) never highlighted.
I want it works like the followed picture. But it isn't the windows style.
I have try to use: show-decoration-selected: 1; but it's not helpful.
I also tried setAllColumnsShowFocus ( true ) , also can't work.


Can somebody help me about this?

6th July 2011, 06:03
I use delegate to draw the rows.
In paint function:

if( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
QRect rect( option.rect );
rect.setLeft( 0 );
painter->fillRect( rect, option.palette.highlight() );

For this, all the area can be highlighted. But overwritted decoration can't be shown. Maybe the color of decoration should be changed when selected.