View Full Version : "Render" Qt dialog window from ".ui" file

8th July 2011, 12:39
Hello all,

for a new .NET (C#) project, I need to be able to load a Qt .ui file and "render" it to a bitmap resource. The window which was specified in the .ui file should not be visible on the screen.

Is there any chance to load a .ui file and "render" it to a bitmap (pixel graphics) resource (memory object or file) without displaying it?
Is there any chance to do that from within a .NET application?

Thanks for any help!


8th July 2011, 14:40

Is there any chance to load a .ui file and "render" it to a bitmap (pixel graphics) resource (memory object or file) without displaying it?

You can load UI File with QUiLoader and save image with

QPixmap pix (w->size());

pix.save (outFileName);

Is there any chance to do that from within a .NET application?
This is a question for a .NET/C# forum