View Full Version : ListView model binding to QAbstractListModel

14th July 2011, 06:35
I am unable to make my class derived from QAbstractListModel working with qml ListView.

Situation looks like this:

I have created ButtonMenu QML element:

Rectangle {
id: menuRoot
property Component model

In this element I have another one and in this another one I have ListView element

Rectangle {
id: menu
ListView {
id: menuList
model: menuRoot.model;

Now when I create ButtonMenu element I have something like this:

ButtonMenu {
id: buttonMenu
model: menuMainViewArea

In C++ I do this:


When I run my program i get following error:
Error: Cannot assign QObject* to QDeclarativeComponent*

I tried to make model in menuRoot an alias to menuList model but when I called model.count when setting size of all rectangles I got model.count undefined.

Does anyone know what can be wrong??

16th July 2011, 09:21
Discussion and solution to this issue are presented in this post (http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/7770/)