View Full Version : setZValue of QGraphicsItemGroup

6th November 2006, 18:33
I have a scene with a mosaic of QGraphicItemGroup's and I'm trying to make it when the user clicks on one of the QGraphicsItemGroup's it will bring it to the front. I have tried a few modifications of the following code snippit with no success.

bool form::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
if (o == ui.view->viewport())
QPointF point = ui.view->mapToScene(ui.view->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()));
QGraphicsItem *tmp = ui.view->itemAt(point.x(), point.y());
if (tmp != 0)

Am I not supposed to be using the QGraphicsView's eventFilter for this?
When I use the itemAt function it returns a QGraphicsItem. Does it need to be a QGraphicsItemGroup?

Any tips would be great...

Note: I posted a similar question a while back, but I don't see this as the same question. In my previous post I was able to add an object to a new QGraphicsItemGroup prior to setting the ZValue. In this case, I already have the group's created, and I just want to display a certain one above others.


6th November 2006, 19:07
This seems to work:


However, I need to keep a counter to maintain which zvalue is at the top. So this would be the final solution:


6th November 2006, 19:12
You might want to check the event type in the event filter.. I doubt you really want to set the Z value upon every single event the view receives.

6th November 2006, 19:40
Thanks JPN, I was checking to make sure

if (e->type() ==QEvent::MouseButtonPress)

I just left it out to help simplify my problem for the reader. Good eye though :)