View Full Version : Suppressing menu icons on the Mac

7th November 2006, 04:59
I'm porting an application to the Mac, and just stumbled across an annoyance. Qt insists on drawing QAction icons in the menus under the Mac. This is very un-Mac like, and my client is demanding I get rid of it. Unfortunately, I still need the icons on the toolbar. I'm also defining my actions with Designer.

How do I get Qt to draw menus without icons? (Specifically for the Mac, or in general for all platforms).

I've created a proxy style that inserts null icons into QStyleOptionMenuItems, but this is a nasty hack. Surely there's a better and easier way to do this. Any help out there?

7th November 2006, 07:50
I've never deployed on the mac myself, but perhaps this QQ article helps: http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq18-macfeatures.html .

7th November 2006, 19:00
I've never deployed on the mac myself, but perhaps this QQ article helps: http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq18-macfeatures.html .
Unfortunately, that doesn't provide any relevant help. I've looked at the sources for QMacStyle, and as near as I can tell, icons will always be drawn.

I could create a duplicate set of actions, without icons, and use them for the menus. But that doesn't sound like a good solution.