View Full Version : Ibase driver plugin not loading

19th July 2011, 11:05
I have to use Firebird database with qt4.7.2 , msvc compiler.
For that I built ibase.pro from QT//src/plugins/sqldrivers/ibase. After changing ibase.pro files headers properly to include the headers of firebird I was able to build it properly and qsqlibase4.dll ,qsqlibase4.lib ,qsqlibased4.dll and qsqlibased4.lib were generated. However they weren't copied to QT//plugins as they should. I copied them myself anyway. But qt is not able to recognize that ibase driver plugin and informs ibase driver not found if i try to use it. I have no clue what is wrong. I was able to use the plugin successfully with msvc and mingw compilers successfully uptill the 4.6.3 version.

19th July 2011, 17:21
The driver had compiled fine. However when I was trying to use the plugin in application, I didn't linked the requisite dll's of firebird (fbclient.dll) etc correctly. Resulting in displaying of message Driver not loaded. I misunderstood the message as a problem with the driver plugin. It was kind of misleading :(

19th July 2011, 18:36
Is fbclient.dl compiled with the same compiler?

Could be the same problem for MySQL driver

20th July 2011, 07:21
I don't know which compiler was used to compile firebird on windows but my guess is g++. And thankfully its not the same problem as MYSQL:) . After having built the plugins, I didn't link correctly the client library of firebird(fbclient.dll) with the application trying to use firebird via the driver. Hence the 'Driver not loaded' message.