View Full Version : How to disable individual members of a QHash and QList?

21st July 2011, 06:35
In my project i have a widget which have a QHash vector table and QList on it.I want to access each individual members of the QHash and QList and then disable the members.But i don't get any function to disable the members.





Here screen is a QWidget. In Qwidget class we have a function called setdisabled which can be used to disable the whole widget but how to disable the individual members?

21st July 2011, 07:20
It makes no sense to talk about "disable the members". If you don't want something in the container then either don't add it or QList::removeAt()/QHash::remove() it. QHash and QList are containers that can contain almost anything and have no visible presence, i.e. they cannot be "on" a QWidget.

Your code snippet also makes little sense. QObject::children() returns a list of QObject pointers, only some of these (if any) will be QWidgets that have any sort of visible presence. To access these as QWidgets through this path you will have to qobject_cast<QWidget*>() and check if the result is not null.

It really is easier to keep a pointer to the widgets you wish to disable than to try to find them indirectly later.

21st July 2011, 07:59
Ok Chris here is the code snippet.....

QAppScreen::QAppScreen(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) {
qDebug() << "QTmApplicationScreen:" << "Create Application Screen";
setLayout(new QVBoxLayout);
//setLayout(new QHBoxLayout);//Added
m_deviceList = new QHash<int, QWidget *>();
m_iconList = new QList<QAppIcon *>();

void QAppScreen::addApplication(QTmApplication *application,QWidget *mwidget) {
qDebug() << "QTmApplicationScreen:" << "Add Application" << application->name() << "to App List" << application->upnpControlPointId();
if (!m_deviceList->contains(application->upnpControlPointId())) {
QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this);
widget->setLayout(new QHBoxLayout);
m_deviceList->insert(application->upnpControlPointId(), widget);

QAppIcon *icon = new QAppIcon(application, this);

connect(icon, SIGNAL(clicked(QTmApplication*)), this, SIGNAL(launchApplication(QTmApplication*)));


The requirement is i want to disable the icons but not the mwidget.....icons are used to launch certain apps.....and the icons are populating from a server and the above code is runnig in the client....is der any option?

22nd July 2011, 05:55