View Full Version : QOci with qt 4.7.3 x64

Harald Klingel
22nd July 2011, 16:45
I've successfully built qt4.7.3 in 64 bit. I've built with option -qt-sql-oci beacuse I want to connect to an oracle db.

Now when I call
QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( dbType, connectionName );

I get
Warning: QOCIDriver: unable to create environment

Can somebody give me a hint?

Any help appriciated,
Kind regards,

Harald Klingel
25th July 2011, 08:17
I've checked for
QSqlDatabase::contains("QOCI") and the result is false.

Could it be that oci.dll is not found? Or might there be a problem because the oci.dll was build for x64 systems?