View Full Version : Disabling autoscale is not wirking

26th July 2011, 16:33
Hi Everyone,

in my program I want to be able to disable the autoscale for the y-axis and reenable it later.
I use a checkbox for this:

//std::vector<QwtPlot*> plots_;
void MainWindow::on_freezeScaleBox_toggled(bool on)
for(int i = 0; i < plots_.size(); ++i)
plots_[i]->setAxisAutoScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, on);

When I first disable the autoaxisscale and then add some curves and some data, it is autoscaled anyway...
Any suggestions?

27th July 2011, 08:06
It doesn't matter when you attach your plot items - the only situation, where the flag is processed is QwtPlot::replot. If you want to exclude plot items individually from autoscaling do

item->setItemAttribute( QWtPlot::Item::AutoScale, false );Uwe

27th July 2011, 09:25
Thx for your help.
The problem was somewhat simpler :D

I just had to replace
"on" with "!on"

Because otherwise the semantics were wrong.