View Full Version : What is the format of library ?

28th July 2011, 00:12
Hi fiends,

I wish know under WIN XP, what must the extencion format of library added to directive LIBS at <project>.PRO file ?

I´m not sure if is the DLL or LIB one.

Thanks in advance.


28th July 2011, 01:03
LIBS += -L/some/search/path -lname

will do the right thing on whatever platform AFAICT. If you are explicitly naming a library file then you should use the actual name of the file:

LIBS += /some/search/path/libname.so // UNIX shared library
LIBS += /some/search/path/libname.a // UNIX static library
LIBS += /some/search/path/name.dll // windows dynamic library
LIBS += /some/search/path/name.lib // windows import or static library
LIBS += some Mac specific file naming ...

with appropriate selection by build environment.

28th July 2011, 01:27

I´m under WINDOWS, so the options I must to choice are :

LIBS += /some/search/path/name.dll // windows dynamic library
LIBS += /some/search/path/name.lib // windows import or static library

However, I have both files ( .DLL / .LIB) with same name, but respectivelly inside different folders ( \BIN - \LIB ).

What criteria must be adopted to select the appropriate format ?
I could select anyone ?
