View Full Version : qt network reply error

29th July 2011, 15:39

have a qt mobile app that connects to a web app. it is supposed to save it but there is always a reply error and the error is just "unknown error".

when i access the web app, it works just fine. only when i try to access using the phone that the probem exist. the phone does have a connection because using the browser, it can access the page.

thanks in advance. badly need help.

30th July 2011, 09:12
You need to give a lot more information.

30th July 2011, 12:33
i have this piece of code everytime a button is pressed and is connected to a slot when it reply is finished.

QNetworkReply* reply = manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("my url here")));

The url i am trying to access generates a json array and i am suppose to save that into a json file. My problem is that there is always a reply error. and the error when i tried to print it is just "Unknown error".

when i access the url directly using the browser of the phone, it works fine. :(