View Full Version : QApplication::quit(); or QApplication::instance()->quit(); takes long time

31st July 2011, 15:04
hello there,
im new to the community and i hope that i will have the time and space to be active in this forum.
so lets dive into the point , well i have a problem that when i quit my application ( i have re-implemented QMainWindow::closeEvent() to do some work then exit the application using QApplication::quit(); or QApplication::instance()->quit();
but it takes very long time when it enters to QApplication::quit();
i dont know what i am making wrong .

p.s. the application is big and has many dialogs and stuff so could it be possibley that the dumping of the dialogs or any other qt stuff.

is there a way to get rid of this, to make the application exit faster??

Sameer Ababneh

1st August 2011, 05:37
i quit my application ( i have re-implemented QMainWindow::closeEvent() to do some work then exit the application using QApplication::quit(); or QApplication::instance()->quit();

the application is big and has many dialogs and stuff so could it be possibley that the dumping of the dialogs or any other qt stuff.

is there a way to get rid of this, to make the application exit faster??

The magic 8-ball says:
Debug your program.

1st August 2011, 06:30
if your are re-implementing close event then just do a closeEvent->accept(); after you have done saving your stuff, no need to call qApp->quit();