View Full Version : Qt Creator No help menu on QtCreator 2.2.1

31st July 2011, 15:55

Im on Ubuntu 10.04 and decided to upgrade QtCreator to it's latest version (2.2.1). I uninstaled older QtCreator using "Ubuntu Software Center" and I went to Qt website to downloaded directly the QtSDK. No problems installing it.
Now I can compile the project I have been developing but I don't have access to Help menu.
I got the following message:

The page could not be found

What should I do?

Also, in spite of I have no problems compiling the project, I noticed in Tools>Options>Qt4 menu that Qt PATH isn't found ("qmake does not exists or is not an executable"). I can't call "qmake" from terminal.


11th August 2011, 10:47
æˆ‘ä¹Ÿé‡åˆ°äº†æ¥¼ä¸»å æ ·çš„é—®é¢˜ï¼Œæˆ‘æ˜¯è¿ ™æ ·è§£å†³çš„
在我的~/.profileåŠ å…¥
export PATH
然后在终端 source ~/.profile
å°±å¯ä»¥ç”¨äº†ï¼Œå¦‚æž æ¥¼ä¸»ç”¨çš„ä¸æ˜¯bash, °±åœ¨.loginä¸*åŠ å…¥

è‡³äºŽå¸®åŠ©æ–‡ä»¶çš„é ®é¢˜ã€‚æ¥¼ä¸»è¦æ‰‹åŠ¨ Š 载一下
在 /opt/QtSDK/Document/下有好多qch文件就 ˜¯äº†