View Full Version : build qwt qtlibinfix

2nd August 2011, 11:06
I have compiled my qt with -qtlibinfix XXX.

How do i configure and build qwt for this?


2nd August 2011, 11:37
The name of the qt libraries are added by qmake reading the files in $QTDIR/mkspecs.

When you are using qmake and these files are correct for your installation, there should be nothing special to do when building Qwt.


2nd August 2011, 12:24
There's nothing in the corresponding mkspecs\(win32-msvc2005)\qmake.conf or qplatformdefs.h which says anything about the infix.

2nd August 2011, 17:48
Well then there is nothing to say or you have to add, what has to be said.

Whatever needs to be done - it is part of your Qt installation and nothing, that should be done for every project that is using it.


3rd August 2011, 08:56
The problem is that when building qwt, it is building it as qwt.lib and qwtd.lib but looking for qwtXXX.lib and qwtXXXd.lib.

3rd August 2011, 09:01
The magic behind library names is implemented in the functions qtLibraryTarget and qtAddLibrary, that are part of the feature files of your Qt installation.


Igor S.K.
11th July 2012, 13:42

I came across a similar problem myself, so I wonder if you found a solution for your problem?

11th December 2013, 19:52
I have a similar problem.

In my platform qmake.conf there is QT_LIBINFIX set to 4.
Building Qwt produced qwt.dll.
But when I try to build my project it tries to link to qwt4.

If I understand it correctly, the build system should have produced 'qwt4.dll', not 'qwt.dll'.

I found that qwtAddLibrary function adds infix to the name, while the qwtLibraryTarget does not. How can this possibly work? Is this not an inconsistency?
It is similar way in both customised qwt's qwtfunctions.pri and standard qt_functions.prf.

I am not sure if this is a misconfiguration in Qt or Qwt so not sure where to look for a fix.

I tried to comment out QT_LIBINFIX definition in qmake.conf but it affects all libraries and tries to link to 'QtCore' instead of 'QtCore4' for example.
Meanwhile I modified qwtAddLibrary in qwt's qwtfunctions.pri to not to take infix into account. I realise this is not correct but at least I can now carry on working on a project.

Any help or suggestion will be very much appreciated.

I use Qt 4.8.5 and Qwt 6.1.0 with mingw-w64 cross compiler.

12th December 2013, 06:45
IIRC this has been fixed in SVN ( trunk and 6.1 branch ) some time ago.


12th December 2013, 08:43
Uwe, thank you. I found the fix in 6.1 branch in SVN. For anybody interested, here is the relevant commit: http://sourceforge.net/p/qwt/code/1771/