View Full Version : qSerialDevice and WINCE is it possible to run it ?

2nd August 2011, 20:27
Hi, another my problem is to compile the qserialdevice library exactly BuildLibrary.pro. I do this like:

C:\qserial\qserialdevice-qserialdevice\src>c:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.2\bin\qmake.exe -tp vc src.pro
C:\qserial\qserialdevice-qserialdevice>c:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.2\bin\qmake.exe -tp vc BuildLibrary.pro
Next in MVS2008 i open BuildLibrary.sln then F7 and .. errorrrrrss :confused:
what to change in QserialDevices ?? to build libraries ?
I also try comment in src.pro the enumerator include but it doesn't helps
Sorry for my english and thanks for help

3rd August 2011, 07:02
It is impossible in the current implementation.
Since WinCE does not use the OVERLAPPED operation.
Code QSerialDevice tied to this very opportunity that allows you to avoid creating additional threads.

If you must then fix the code yourself, and see nativeserialengine_win.cpp nativeserialnotifier_win.cpp.
And read MSDN.

PS: I would be able to fix it, if I had a device based on WinCE, but I do not have WinCE device, therefore there is no way to fix.

3rd August 2011, 10:08
So it will be difficult to do it??

3rd August 2011, 15:21
If you have a device running Win CE - it is not difficult.

1. Just everywhere in "nativeserialengine_win.cpp" remove structure 'OVERLAPPED' (or replaced by 0).
2. In notifier "nativeserialnotifier_win.cpp" abandon class QWinEventNotifier, and instead use QThread with periodical poll CommEvent.

17th August 2011, 05:30
So, I tried to add support for WinCE.
The request to all interested parties - check the work / assembly and correct any errors.

Commit: https://gitorious.org/qserialdevice/qserialdevice/commit/d11f5e1964968e4a0cd08ff5867eae4f8835e04b
Direct download link: https://gitorious.org/qserialdevice/qserialdevice/archive-tarball/2.0

2nd September 2011, 16:19
So, I tried to add support for WinCE.
The request to all interested parties - check the work / assembly and correct any errors.

Commit: https://gitorious.org/qserialdevice/...7eae4f8835e04b
Direct download link: https://gitorious.org/qserialdevice/...ve-tarball/2.0

Now, a library for WinCE works. I've tested (briefly) on the emulator Pocket PC, Check and test please.