View Full Version : Changes at header file are not recognized at implementation by Qtcreator...??

5th August 2011, 13:10
My project has 100 files (aprox.) ( I dont know if it can be the origin of the problem)
I dont know what is happen, but changes and new widgets declarations made at header file are not taken into account when I write code at implementation.
In example, I write a new QLabel *var and I have not autocompletion neither light red color for the text....
In addition, if I change the widget type, Qtcreator seems to treat my widget according the first definition not the current.
I have to close and re-open my project....
Any idea ? Thanks

Dong Back Kim
6th August 2011, 09:33
My project has 100 files (aprox.) ( I dont know if it can be the origin of the problem)
I dont know what is happen, but changes and new widgets declarations made at header file are not taken into account when I write code at implementation.
In example, I write a new QLabel *var and I have not autocompletion neither light red color for the text....
In addition, if I change the widget type, Qtcreator seems to treat my widget according the first definition not the current.
I have to close and re-open my project....
Any idea ? Thanks

What IDE are you using? VS2010? VS2008?

6th August 2011, 09:41
@up: I think Qt Creator
When I'm clicking "save" (ctrl+s) after editing a file, indexer is started. Can you see those green bars on left panel, blinking after saving the file ?

8th August 2011, 11:43
(Yes QT Creator)
And yes, I dont see green bars .
I need a solution because my work is slows.


(Is there any way to start indexer ?)

8th August 2011, 15:35
Are the files you're working on added to your project file? Which variable contains them?

8th August 2011, 18:17
Are the files you're working on added to your project file?
Yes, I have a main project file with some subproject files wiht their correct include(#####.pri) .
Every pri has the sources,headers and includepath.
I am working a few months with this project without problems, until now.
I can compile it without problems.

8th August 2011, 19:14
To which variable are you adding those offensive files? How do the entries look like?

8th August 2011, 20:09
The problem was I have at cpp file :
#include "A_table.h"
when it'd have to be:
#include "a_table.h"

How is it possible that qtcreator or qmake does not tell me nothing ???
Could it be a bug ? It does not difference betwen uppercase for build but yes during editing ?
It is very strange.


8th August 2011, 20:47
Building and editing is done by two totally independent tools.