View Full Version : QSlider : How to hint current position value ?

7th August 2011, 22:02
Dear friends,

I remember it was easilly performed in other GUI IDE compilers, but am not finding in QT.
Could someone help ?


8th August 2011, 08:08
If by "hint" you mean tooltip, you can code a slot member of the widget that contains the slider (this slot will take an int parameter and it will set the tooltip of the slider) and you connect it to a signal like sliderMoved(int) (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qabstractslider.html#sliderMoved).

Dong Back Kim
10th August 2011, 01:19
I guess you are asking how you can find out where the slider knob is. Try QAbstractSlider::sliderPosition()
