View Full Version : How to write code in C language instead of QML?

8th August 2011, 19:40
I want to make program to Nokia phone with using accelerometers. I make new project in Qt Creator. Qt Quick Project->Qt Quick Application. Then Target: Symbian Device, Desktop and Qt Simulator.
But I have code in QML language. I want to write in C language. What to do?
Best regards.

8th August 2011, 19:59
Create a Qt mobile application instead of Qt Quick application.

8th August 2011, 22:26
Thanks for answer. I want to write a program to N8 mobile phone which would read accelerometer data and show value on screen at Label.
I have this code:

#include "mainwindow.h"

#include <QtGui/QApplication>

#include <stdio.h>

#define ACCELEROMETER_FILE_N900 "/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord"

class Accelerometer {
int x;
int y;
int z;

Accelerometer() : x(0), y(0), z(0)

bool update()
int tmp[3] = {0, 0, 0};
FILE *fd;

if (!(fd = fopen(ACCELEROMETER_FILE_N900, "r"))) {
return false;

if (fscanf(fd, "%i %i %i", tmp, tmp+1, tmp+2) != 3) {
return false;

if (fclose(fd) == EOF) {
return false;

x = tmp[0];
y = tmp[1];
z = tmp[2];

//How to change this?
return true;

int getX() { return x; }
int getY() { return y; }
int getZ() { return z; }


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow mainWindow;
mainWindow.setOrientation(MainWindow::ScreenOrient ationAuto);
return app.exec();

The object name of label is label_2. Which code do I have to write to change Label2 text to accelerometer X value? Or what else do I have to write? Or do you have any examples of codes which show on smartphone view acceleration values with only one *.cpp file without any addidtional *.h files?

9th August 2011, 06:35
Correct me if I'm wrong but N8 is Symbian based, so the path to the accelerometer is incorrect. Why don't you use QSensor from QtMobility instead?

9th August 2011, 08:49
This page doesn't work. But on site: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.1-tp/qaccelerometer.html there is QML language, which I don't know. I would like to program it in C language. What do you suggest to do in this situation? I found on the internet codes with using accelerometers, but they were with some *.h files and I had lost in this. I would like to write a program with only one main.cpp file and no any header files and 6 Labels in main window: 3 of them- Accelerometer X/Y/Z, and other 3 of them would write actual acceleration. In future I would like to add speed in additional 3 labels.

9th August 2011, 09:15
This page doesn't work.
Yes, it doesn't work -- blame autolinking of the site :D

Here you go: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.2/sensors-api.html

But on site: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.1-tp/qaccelerometer.html there is QML language, which I don't know. I would like to program it in C language.
QAccelerometer is a C++ class, not a QML element. The latter is called Accelerometer. And please don't mix C and C++, those are two different languages.

14th August 2011, 18:15
#include "mainwindow.h"

#include <QtGui/QApplication>

#include <QAccelerometer>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);

MainWindow mainWindow;
mainWindow.setOrientation(MainWindow::ScreenOrient ationAuto);

// On the heap (deleted when this object is deleted)
QAccelerometer *sensor = new QAccelerometer(this);

// On the stack (deleted when the current scope ends)
QOrientationSensor orient_sensor;

// start the sensor
QSensor sensor("QAccelerometer");

// later
QSensorReading *reading = sensor.reading();
qreal x = reading->property("x").value<qreal>();
qreal y = reading->value(1).value<qreal>();

QAccelerometer sensor;
sensor.setProperty("maximumReadingCount", 100);
sensor.setProperty("processAllReadings", true);

return app.exec();

With using this code which I written basing on the codes from your site I still receive compilation errors. For example
C:\...\main.cpp:5: error: QAccelerometer: No such file or directory
C:\...\main.cpp:16: error: 'QAccelerometer' was not declared in this scope
C:\...\main.cpp:16: error: expected type-specifier before 'QAccelerometer'
How to repair this?

14th August 2011, 20:12
You probably didn't enable mobility/sensor support for your project. Or you simply don't have Qt Mobility installed.

15th August 2011, 19:39
Is it enough to enable sensor support in my project if I select Qt Widget Project->Mobile Qt Application? What else do I have to do to enable sensor support?

Is there anywhere easy instalation of Qt Mobility? When I select configure file in Qt Mobility open source *.rar file it shows cmd window for a moment and it doesn't install Qt Mobility. And "nmake" and "nmake install" commands don't work.

15th August 2011, 21:12
Is it enough to enable sensor support in my project if I select Qt Widget Project->Mobile Qt Application?

What else do I have to do to enable sensor support?
You need to read QtMobility docs. I suspect giving you a direct answer would not help you with anything as you'd come back again in 10 minutes with a next problem related to not reading the manual prior to using some solution.

Is there anywhere easy instalation of Qt Mobility? When I select configure file in Qt Mobility open source *.rar file it shows cmd window for a moment and it doesn't install Qt Mobility. And "nmake" and "nmake install" commands don't work.
I've never heard of any rar file containing Qt Mobility so I can't help.

15th August 2011, 21:26
Are you sure you are using the right package? As Qt Mobility is available as part of the Qt SDK.