View Full Version : No Response when Algorithm runs...

13th August 2011, 15:28
Hello Community,

I have the following problem. I am writing a GUI programm for scientific research on the field of air bearing. I use algorithm to compute the pressure distribution. Now I have the Following hierarchy...

1. QMainwindow - here I can choose a bearingtype and a subWindow opens
2. QMdiSubWindow - here I can tell the programm some data the algorithms use
3. Algorithm - When I click the "Start" button the algorithm starts to compute, but I cant use the Programm anymore till the algorithm has finished computing. "No Response"... I dont want the tool to be unuseable till the algorithm is ready.

any suggestions ?

Added after 8 minutes:

Using QThread is the only way ... ?

13th August 2011, 15:59
create a new threads for this algorithm process
(I don't know how to do that in QT/C++)
I have experience a problem like that in java

13th August 2011, 17:24
In general, using other thread is not the only way, read more here : link (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qq/qq27-responsive-guis.html).