View Full Version : How to remove all rows and chiled rows from QTreeview

14th August 2011, 12:23
i dont know why im get into trouble with removing all rows and sub rows from qtreeview
im using QStandardItemModel as the model . now here is my code that doesn't work .

QModelIndex FirstQModelIndex;
QModelIndex parentQModelIndex;
int iMdlChidCound = m_model->hasChildren();
if(iMdlChidCound > 0)
// only if there at list 1 row in the view
FirstQModelIndex = m_model->item(0,0)->index();
QStandardItem* feedItem = m_model->itemFromIndex(FirstQModelIndex);
// get the parent of the first row its the header row
QStandardItem* parentItem = feedItem->parent();

// here im getting exception
int parent_rows= parentItem->hasChildren();
parentQModelIndex = m_model->indexFromItem(parentItem);

// now i like to delete all the rows under the header , and its dosnt work
bool b = feedItem->model()->removeRows(0,y,parentQModelIndex);

14th August 2011, 17:51
You don't bother to check that "parentItem" is non-NULL, so of course it will throw if parentItem == 0.

15th August 2011, 00:26
. . . removing all rows and sub rows from qtreeview . . .

Why not do this?
m_model->removeRows(0, m_model->rowCount());