View Full Version : QTextEdit bottom margin

16th August 2011, 12:39
hi guys,

i am trying to draft a letter in QTextEdit for which i need to DECREASE BOTTOM MARGIN can some plz help me how can i change only bottom margin for text edit using PyQt4

thanx in advance

17th August 2011, 16:47
You can use HTML (setHtml()), and if you do, you can style your text with HTML.

22nd August 2011, 03:53
Problem is when I am trying to print the text in textEdit using printer, only 1line gets printed on the next page..to avoid this I want to set bottom margin for a page such that that single line will get printed on 1st page itself..

22nd August 2011, 08:52
I think you should use QPrinter::setPageMargins() for that.