View Full Version : link to a pdf for opening it wit adobe reader

29th August 2011, 12:23

I would like to make a link (or a menu item or anything that would work :) ) to a pdf document on a specific location of the file system. I would like to use the Acrobat Reader. I've found some suggessions where I would need to scepify the actual reader's location but I wouldn't like to predefine that as it may differ with time or computer. What can I use for it? This may be placed on a label or reached via a menu item, any simple solutions are welcome.

this is basically a Windows application but I'm not sure it will be its future. So the best would be to call somehow "the system's defoult pdf reader".


29th August 2011, 12:31
QDesktopServices :: openUrl (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qdesktopservices.html#openUrl)( QUrl::fromLocalFile("path/to/file.pdf") )