View Full Version : XML serialization into a X3D scene

29th August 2011, 15:56
Hello forum,

I am creating a similar user interface as diagramscene (please see the attachment) , where the items are represented as elliptic nodes and the connectivity between nodes are established by arrows drawn between the nodes.

Each nodes in the attached file contains corresponding information about the nodes ; for example node's property names and property values.

I shall device and add another button into the editor. When the user press the button the scene representing the elliptic nodes connected by arrow will be serialized into the xml file which also corresponds to the X3D file.

What kind of existing serialization process in Qt i can exploit to achieve it?

I also need to de-serialize the X3D file and show the corresponding graphics elliptic items and the arrow connection in the scene.

Looking forward to some key suggestion into this issue.


30th August 2011, 10:57
Qt has quite a bit of XML classes you can use including dedicated XML streamers.