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View Full Version : qt creator qt components quickstart example doest work for me

2nd September 2011, 18:52

I am new to QML. I was testing the quickstart example in Qt creator 2.3 titled "Creating a Qt Quick Application Using Qt Quick Components", but the progressbar doesnt change when battery level changes in Qt Simulator. Progressbar shows correct value initially, but doesnt reflect the changes according to battery level. I think i am not able to set up the signal properly. Here is the online link to the example : http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-sn...s-example.html.
Can anyone help me solve the problem.

3rd September 2011, 22:59
Your link http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtcreator-sn...s-example.html doesn't work.

My two cents: Don't ever make a conclusion of how something works based on a simulator. Try it on a real device with a battery.