View Full Version : compile error Qt 4.7.4 vs2010

5th September 2011, 05:18
I am not sure I installed the right library.

I tried qt-win-opensource-4.7.4-vs2008 first. It actually configure ok and I was able to nmake ok.

I had alot of trouble building a new project and tried to open examples from the teacher in VS2010 express.

I am not sure If I did it wrong or maybe it was not installed correctly.

So I removed everything and reinstalled QT SDK and then installed a new library version called


This was when I could not compile or configure visual studio 2010. I even tried to compile it in visual studio 2008 but had the same error.

I compile it at visual studio 2010 command prompt and then change to the directory where I installed my qt library.

which was c:\Qt\4.7.4

I also set my system environment variable c:\QT\4.7.4
and c:\QT\4.7.4\bin

then I type command configure to compile visual studio integration with QT

then I tried configure -debug-and-release -opensource -platform win32-msvc2010

I get the same configure error

creating qmake...
execute: file or path is not found (nmake)
Cleaning qmake failed, return code -1

I did not issue command to nmake since I could not configure it

I am not sure which is the right library to installed.

Do I need to reinstall QT SDK?

Do I need to use visual studio C++ 2008 .

5th September 2011, 07:18
It looks like you were running the configure from a command prompt that was not set up to use the relevant Microsoft compiler suite, which is why nmake was not found. There is usually a Start menu entry to start a suitable Microsoft development command prompt. However, you can run vcvarsall.bat or vcvars32.bat (from the VC bin directory) in any command shell to set it up.

MSVC 2010 is not a tier one platform so you may experience problems.