View Full Version : x11 + ARM + painting + rotating qt application

7th September 2011, 06:53
I am facing a trivial problem in qt.I have builded a qt application on my linux desktop.And it has some real time graph plottings.And it runs fine.I am plotting outside paint event by setting attributes.When i ran same app in my arm based parocessor environment(where exactly we need to fit final application), i am getting error as qpainter not active.
In arm i am running app with -qws. Is this the issue with X11 server as we can only plot outside painevent in x11 only.
Just to overcome this issue i tried with pain event which works fine..but my app dimension is 320*240.In my arm environment the LCD size is 240*320,so i rotared my app by placing it in a qgraphics scene.After this rotation even i could't able to c the graph.

So whats the solution.?How can i solve this issue..?any ideas?

7th September 2011, 19:05
The solution is not to paint outside the paint event. You can render whatever you want to a pixmap and then render the pixmap to the widget during paint event handling.