View Full Version : Moving window

11th September 2011, 11:40

I have a curve with several thousand points.
The X axis represents the time over several days.

I would to create a sliding window over an interval. The interval represents a day or few days.

Is this possible ?
What are the class that would allow me to get this moving window over an interval ?


12th September 2011, 11:26
Sure its possible.
I would go for QGrphicsView.

13th September 2011, 08:57
I think you should look at QwtPlotZoomer and QwtPlotPanner. Use QwtPlotZoomer object to set the scale the same way as QwtPlotPicker does. Now you have your window. Use panner to move in the window.
Normally, QwtPlotPicker object is used to define the window in the qwt plot. Once this is done, autoscaling is switched off on qwtplot. There are innumerable threads on the the three classes mentioned. You should be able to do it.

13th September 2011, 19:12
I think you should look at QwtPlotZoomer and QwtPlotPanner. Use QwtPlotZoomer object to set the scale the same way as QwtPlotPicker does. Now you have your window. Use panner to move in the window.
Normally, QwtPlotPicker object is used to define the window in the qwt plot. Once this is done, autoscaling is switched off on qwtplot. There are innumerable threads on the the three classes mentioned. You should be able to do it.
Ok, I'll try with this.
thank you