View Full Version : how can i bloc the axis boundaries ? (due to a strange scale)

12th September 2011, 15:06
hello world,

i have a little problem with the graph on Qwt:
=> when i plot my graph (which it change with the time) i have sometimes a strange scale for the axis (see attached item)

so do you know how i can change this scale? for example i can fixe the minimum values which is 1e-10, but i don't know how i can modifiy this...

thank for your futur contribution

ps: i am a beginner so use easy understanding explications please, see you later :-)

i have try this:

1°) myPlot1->boundingRect().left(1e-10);
2°) mycurve->boundingRect(1e-10).left();
3°) mycurve->boundingRect().left(1e-10);
4°) myPlot1->setAxisMaxMinor(0,1e-10);

but it doesn't work

Added after 4 minutes:

i think i have to use this:

but i am not sure and i don't understand how....

can you show me an example myplot-> ???

12th September 2011, 21:42
up ;-)

ps: i see that several people llok my thread but doesn't reply, it's too difficult problem ?