View Full Version : Adjusting the size & location of an external application using Qprocess

14th September 2011, 04:01
I have earlier posted about a problem regarding garbage data show in line edit. I couldn't fix it but have a quickfix(not ideal), for which i need to open,write & save notepad. I can easily do this with Qprocess. But my problem is that i dont want the notepad to open in such way that i would block the view of my gui. I want to open it in a corner, in a small window, so that the user doesnt get disrupted. Is there anyway i can control the size and/or the position while launching an external application using Qprocess.

If you havent had the time to read about my earlier post, i will summarise it for you. I have an rfid reader connected by an usb. when tagged it spits out an id into the keyboard buffer. So i had an active 'lineedit' component on my form so that it captures the data. It worked fine on my PC(win7 OS) until i ran the code on a ITX(which is basically a small computer) running on WinXp. It started printing out garbage data(onto the lineedit). There is nothing wrong with the reader though. It works perfectly on the ITX(I openned a notepad & the usb read spit out the Id onto the keyboard buffer, which printed the line in the notepad). But it prints out garbage on Qt