View Full Version : QwtScaleWidget title wrap problem

15th September 2011, 14:29

I have a problem with QwtPlot's axis title text wrapping: text is truncated as if part of it is moved to the next line (as seen on the screenshot). Most times text is wrapped normally, first part on the one line, second on another, but in some circumstances (text is a little bit longer than single line with no wrap) this problem occurs. The title has (Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::AlignCenter) rendering flags.
Qt4, Ubuntu and CentOS, Qwt 5.2
Any indeas why is this happening?


16th September 2011, 08:42
I have a problem with QwtPlot's axis title text wrapping: text is truncated as if part of it is moved to the next line (as seen on the screenshot).
Hm, I can't see anything on this screenshot.

If you want me to check this you have to post a small demo ( f.e modifiying the simple_plot example ) that shows the problem - of course with Qwt 5.2.2.
