View Full Version : [solved]My SqlModel and refresh view

15th September 2011, 22:55
I have a model - yes is not very elegant but I need class like this:

class MySqlModel : public QAbstractTableModel
there are all methods needed by model like
rowCount, columnCount, data ...

bool insert( const QSqlRecord& rec );

QSqlQueryModel* model;
QSqlQuery* query;

All methods are redirect to model like:

int MySqlModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return model->rowCount();

I'm making insert to table by method which looks like that:

bool MySqlModel::insert( const QSqlRecord& rec )
query->prepare( insertQuery );
if( query->exec() )

// here I want to refresh a view
// I remove this -> emit dataChanged( QModelIndex(), QModelIndex() ); // nothing happens :(

// this methods resolved my issue
beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), 0, 0 );

How I should update view? I create view like this:

view->setModel( model ); // model it is MySqlModel and data are in view after this operation - view is a standard QTableView

Solution I describe in listening with insert method.