View Full Version : QT on windows

17th November 2006, 07:26
I am in need of working wtih QT. which is totally new to me.:)
I am basically a developer in windows environment. Is there any difference for the tool developed in QT and windows? or both will work in the same way?

17th November 2006, 07:35
One major difference is - code using Qt and it will work on almost all the major platforms.;)

17th November 2006, 07:42
Thanks munna. is there any classes that is not supported in linux environment and not in windows

17th November 2006, 09:54
Qt is cross platform. All the classes that don't implement platform specific things (like DBUS and session management for Unix or ActiveX framework for Windows) are cross-platform. If anything is not cross platform, it is mentioned in the docs.