View Full Version : Qt Designer How to add input Widgets in a toolbar

19th September 2011, 09:53

Can anyone let me know how to add any inputWidget like ComboBox, FontComboBox, LineEdit, TextEdit etc. can be added to a toolbar. For example Googletoolbar where we have search options and other comboboxes.

I m designing UI in Qt Designer but i m unable to add any inputwidget by draging any widget on a toolbar.

Is there anyway in designer/coding that can add widget in a toolbar.


19th October 2011, 06:01
Are you talking about the default widgets available with Designer? Or custom one? You should be able to draw the default ones easily onto any form by click and drag. If you are not able to do then maybe check your installation of Designer.

I dont understand what you mean by "GoogleToolBar" -- Do let me/us know if the issue was addressed or you meant somethign else.

With regards.