View Full Version : Nokia Qt SDK 1.1.3 doen't support QtMobility in QML for Simulator

23rd September 2011, 13:44
The latest Nokia QT SDK doesn't support QtMobility in QML for Visual Studio 2008.
Windows XP SP3
MVS 2008 Express edition
Nokia Qt SDK 1.1.3

Tried to launch any QML mobility examples. All are failed with the same error. As example: declarative-location\mapviewer
Error is loading location plug library:

1.2 Library as ""
QDeclarativeImports(file:///C:/QtSDK/projects/mapviewer-build-simulator-Simulator_Qt_for_Visual_Studio_2008__Qt_SDK__Relea se/mapviewer.qml::importExtension: loaded "C:/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/msvc2008/imports/QtMobility/location/qmldir"
QDeclarativeImportDatabase::importPlugin: "QtMobility.location" from "C:/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/msvc2008/imports/QtMobility/location/declarative_location.dll"
file:///C:/QtSDK/projects/mapviewer-build-simulator-Simulator_Qt_for_Visual_Studio_2008__Qt_SDK__Relea se/mapviewer.qml:42:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtMobility.location": Cannot load library C:/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/msvc2008/imports/QtMobility/location/declarative_location.dll: The specified procedure could not be found.
import QtMobility.location 1.2

Though this library is installed in mentioned path except Windows correct path with backward slash:
C:\QtSDK\Simulator\Qt\msvc2008\imports\QtMobility\ location\declarative_location.dll.

I suppose that some code into Simulator doesn't change the path in correct way before calling Windows ::LoadLibrary system function. Do you know how can I fix this issue?

28th September 2011, 14:04
The plugin can not be loaded if the mobility dlls are not available. There is a line in the pro file which QtCreator needs to add the mobility lib path to the run environment:

#required by Qt SDK to resolve Mobility libraries

^^ is that missing in your pro file?

You can accomplish the same if you add the path manualy in the build configuration in creator:

"Projects" -> "Run" -> "Run-Environment" -> "Details" -> "PATH" and then add there c:\QtSDK\Simulator\QtMobility\msvc2008\lib;