View Full Version : QPushButton Signal and QFrame show as a Slot

26th September 2011, 03:05
Hi i have searched the forums and could not find help for what i im fairly new at programming C++ QT GUI programming

what i have is

3 forms


now when my application runs it opens framemain.ui within mainwindow.ui

now framemain has a button Start

when i click that button im trying to have it close then open frametop.ui within the application but seeing as i been trying to use signals and slots for this but i cannot seem to get this to work..

if anyone could shed some light on my problem i would be very thankful

28th September 2011, 15:25
if anyone could shed some light on my problem i would be very thankful
If you first shed some light to what exactly have you done, such as show your code.