View Full Version : Desktop application shadow?

17th November 2006, 20:09
Just curious if anyone's been able to do this - basically place a shadow around their application window on the right and bottom edges, with semi-transparency over the desktop background/apps underneath. Is there an example lurking somewhere?

Or is this is something the OS GUI should be handling? I know windoze supports menu shadows, but that's not quite what I'm looking for...

17th November 2006, 22:59
Basically, if you want to retain the window decorations, you have to do that through your operating system/window manager. Of course you can do hacks such as creating floating widgets with masks and opacities and moving them along your window all the time, but I doubt it is exactly what you want :)

18th November 2006, 02:42
Yes, this is something the Windowing system is responsible for. If the system supports it (Mac, Vista, etc), then you get it automatically. X.org has an option for it, but it tends to be a performance pig, so it's usually not configured on.