View Full Version : Crazy over the QGraphicsScene/Item

17th November 2006, 23:53
I have added an customized QGraphicsPixmapItem to the Scene, but when I click on the item.. what can I say, it records it as a ordinary click on the scene, but if I click more than once very quickly, it also notice that the item is clicked.

(as a side note: if I click exactly in the left margin of the Item, it seems to respond to a slow single click.)

It's driving me crazy. :crying: :eek: :confused:

Here is code for the item

void Town::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev)
Qt::MouseButtons btn = ev->buttons();
if (btn & Qt::LeftButton)
qDebug()<<"You visited Lamerville";
When I set the position for the item, I set it with integer coordinats. but I think that can hardly be the problem.

Here is code for the scene

void Game::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev)
QPointF p = ev->buttonDownScenePos( Qt::LeftButton);
int x,y;
qDebug()<<"you pressed mouse on map"<<x<<y;

SKAL is a constant for scaling purposes.

I'd be very happy for any suggestion. I guess there is a fundamental flaw... but what is it? :confused:

18th November 2006, 05:05
Did u subclass the pix item ??
if yes, while handling mousepress event.. try passing it to QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent ()....

also how are town and game related ??

18th November 2006, 07:50
Yes I did this:

class Town :public QGraphicsPixmapItem {
Town(QPoint p=QPoint(0,0));
void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev);
QString name;

In the town.cpp file I have

void Town::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev)
Qt::MouseButtons btn = ev->buttons();
if (btn & Qt::LeftButton)
qDebug()<<"You visited Lamerville";

Should I add a line

QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent ();
to the code? Where? In the beginning of the function?
Exactly, what will it accomplish?

town and game is related by populating the game ( a Scene) with towns (Items)

QVector<QPoint> cities = map->randomTownPositions(8);
QPoint pos;
Town* t;
foreach (pos, cities)
t = new Town(pos);

I think the "additem" will be enough, won't it?

20th November 2006, 04:02
did u try adding QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent () to ur mousepressevent ??

20th November 2006, 08:46
Sorry, I did something to solve it. I can't remember right now.
But I think it was somethign with mousPressEvent.. or.. no. I don't remember what it was.

20th November 2006, 09:09
well.. if u remmeber what u did.. u may post it.. it may benefit me too if ur way is not known :)

20th November 2006, 09:18
I think it was something with adding the item to the scene or setting the parent.