View Full Version : How can we add sorce files from different folders in a common *.pro file ?

27th September 2011, 06:03
This is my *.pro file, this pro file belongs to a project named or2d. This project file is in following path.
*.pro PATH: F:\VR_View\prashant.patel_CSLPCI\CSLPCI_CVOB\CSL\S RC\5.3.10\dev\src\vr\or2d.pro

In this project i am using some common files from other projects. Here "cooedit.cpp" is a common file, which lies in different folder. As I have to use *.pro file for linguist purpose, but i am not able to find strings from cooedit.cpp using "lupdate or2d.pro". How can i set path for files in different folders but belong to same project?

cooedit.cpp's path:
F:\VR_View\prashant.patel_CSLPCI\CSLPCI_CVOB\CSL\S RC\5.3.10\dev\src\vrlite\cooedit.cpp

********** or2d.pro ************************************

CONFIG += warn_on thread console debug


OBJECTS_DIR = ../../obj

INCLUDEPATH += ./ ../genlib ../grlib ../cmlib ../geolib \
../guilib ../diglib ../vrcg ../trans ../vrtwo

TARGET = \vr\bin\or2d

HEADERS += vrcfg.h \
vrlayer.h \
digmgr.h \
cooedit.h \

SOURCES+= or2d.cpp \
vrcfg.cpp \
vrlayer.cpp \
cooedit.cpp \

TRANSLATIONS += Translations/_or2d_en.ts \


win32:LIBS = ../../obj/serial.obj \
../../obj/digcfg.obj \
../../obj/strclass.obj \
../../obj/coord.obj \
../../obj/digbase.obj \
ieee_32m.lib \
guilib.lib \
diglib.lib \
genlib.lib \
../../lib/diglib.lib \

27th September 2011, 06:32
:confused: You add it to the SOURCES variable with an absolute or relative path, just like you have already done with the include paths and tranlsations.