View Full Version : dataChanged, isDirty -- how to tell data was changed...

29th September 2011, 21:51
Afternoon all --

Done a lot of searching, high and low, and experimenting but I can't seem to hit on a solution to what I'm trying to do...Here's what I have...

QSqlTableModel on a SQlite table with 29 columns...
29 Line edits mapped to these columns (one of them to a combobox)
editStrategy = OnManualSubmit
Request that any change to the data enables a "save" push button, a la SQlite Database Brower (if you've used that)...Basically, the save button doesn't enable until a change to the data has occurred...

So I tried a slot that is fired on a dataChanged signal, but I found that tabbing from line edit to line edit fired it -- is that expected behavior? If not -- I know this can't be that hard -- any suggestions to pull off what I'm trying to do? Basically I want to inform the user that they have changes they need to commit if they try to navigate to another place in the app...

Just when I think I've learned a lot about Qt in the past 9 months (despite my first child's birth, colic and reflux getting in the way), what looks to be obvious and easy implementations humble me...


30th September 2011, 00:26
The dataChanged() signal should not be emitted until you submitAll() or revertAll() in the manual submit mode (or another view changes the data through the model) so I don't know how exactly you get the behaviour you describe. Are you using a table view or a QDataWidgetMapper? Single view or multiple?

QSqlTableModel::isDirty() can tell you if a given index is dirty or not. If you look for currentChanged() from the view's selection model then check the old index you might be part way there.

30th September 2011, 01:30

I'm doing things very vanilla...Creating a QSqlTableModel to a table with the edit strategy of OnManualSubmit, then the I create a mapper to the lineedits that reflect the data...It's weird -- I didn't expect the slot to be fired just by tabbing from widget to widget...

//* Rig Inventory Data... *
riginvmodel = new QSqlTableModel(this);
riginvmodel->setTable ("rig_inventory");
riginvmodel->sort (32, Qt::AscendingOrder);
riginvmodel->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit);

riginvmodel->setFilter (QString("riginv_rig_id = %1").arg(rig_id));
riginvmodel->select ();

riginvmapper = new QDataWidgetMapper(this);
riginvmapper->setModel (riginvmodel);

ui->EquipIDCB->setModel (riginvmodel);
ui->EquipIDCB->setModelColumn (32);
ui->EquipIDCB->setCurrentIndex (0);

riginvmapper->addMapping (ui->RigInvSerialNumLE, 0);
riginvmapper->addMapping (ui->RigInvNumJointsLE, 1);
riginvmapper->addMapping (ui->RigInvTypeLE, 2);
riginvmapper->addMapping (ui->RigInvWtLE, 3);
riginvmapper->addMapping (ui->RigInvJointLenLE, 4);
riginvmapper->addMapping (ui->RigInvODLE, 5);
riginvmapper->addMapping (ui->EquipIDCB, 32);

riginvmapper->toFirst ();
connect(riginvmodel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
this, SLOT(enable_save_button()));

And weirder -- a tabe between line edits results in my SLOT enable_save_button() because called twice!

As for the "isDirty" option -- I was hoping to have a flag I could check based on the model overall, not by index, but I guess if I could get the dataChanged(...) working then I could have it set a flag/enable the "save" button"...

30th September 2011, 19:37
This is getting really frustrating...Even with no changes to my data, tabbing thru the line edits not only causes the dataChanged() signal to fire, but when that happened I checked the see if the index was dirty, and sure enough it was! And doing a submitALL doesn't change that...


30th September 2011, 20:04
I don't think you can use the QSqlTableModel::dataChanged() signal with a QDataWidgetMapper and accomplish what you want. From the QDataWidgetMapper docs here (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdatawidgetmapper.html#SubmitPolicy-enum) your choices are AutoSubmit, which triggers the dataChanged signal when you tab through your lineedits or ManualSubmit which won't produce a signal.

Looks to me like you need to connect the signal QLineEdit::textEdited(QString) for each lineedit to a slot that enables your "save" button.

1st October 2011, 13:40
Thanks for the reply -- I got tired of trying to make this work late last night and that's the exact way I was getting around it...Pain in butt because I have so many fields but you gotta make the client happy, right?

And I do have my mapper set to AutoSubmit but I didn't think to look up the signal that gets fired due to that...

thanks again!


1st October 2011, 15:48
...Pain in butt because I have so many fields ...Two lines of code should do it if all of your QLineEdits are to be connected:
foreach(QLineEdit *lineEdit, findChildren<QLineEdit *>())
connect(lineEdit,SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)),this, SLOT(enable_save_button()()));
Or, you can subclass QLineEdit, put the connect statement in the ctor and promote the lineEdits you want connected in the designer.

1st October 2011, 17:31
Whoa, that saves me a LOT of time -- THANKS!!!! I need to be doing this more than as a side project to pick up all that I'm missing as a part-timer...
