View Full Version : QML PositionSource and NMEA input files

11th October 2011, 13:54
Hi all,

I'm developing a QML app using QtMobility 1.1 Location and I would need to simulate route GPS tracking when running in QT Simulator.

I have a valid NMEA file with valid sentences related to a given route (I verified the file using online reader and map visualizer)
but when I set this nmea file as nmeasource field of the PositionSource element I receive error during file reading:

"QNmeaPositionInfoSource: cannot find NMEA sentence with valid date & time".

The file is in the standard GPGGA form:
$GPGGA,101308,4506.368,N,00738.885,E,2,4,1.5,0,M,0 ,M,,*49
$GPGGA,101310,4506.361,N,00739.153,E,2,4,1.5,0,M,0 ,M,,*4A
$GPGGA,101311,4506.332,N,00739.472,E,2,4,1.5,0,M,0 ,M,,*4B
$GPGGA,101312,4506.332,N,00739.699,E,2,4,1.5,0,M,0 ,M,,*4F

Am I missing any point on NMEA file support in qml PositionSource element?
Does it expect file with special formatting or header?
Any bug?

Any suggestion is appreciated

Thanks in advance