View Full Version : QMDIArea, addSubWindow steals the focus from other applications

14th October 2011, 08:47
I am using QT Version 4.6.3.
I am creating new QMdiSubWindow and adding them to QMdiArea using the method addSubWindow. The method steals the focus from the other applications.
My application has TCL interface and the sub windows will be called accordingly. So if i start to work on some other application as emacs (or any other), once the addSubWindow method is called it steals the Focus from the current working application and gives it to the new sub window created.
I tried setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus) and setAttribute(Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating) on the new QMdiSubWindow created but it did not help.

Please send across how i can stop my QT application from stealing the focus.

Thanks & regards,

15th October 2011, 12:52
Can anybody please help me solve this problem

17th October 2011, 09:58
Please send across if anybody knows the solution to this issue.
I have been facing this issue from quite some time now.
