View Full Version : Ho to encrypt with AES?

28th October 2011, 17:23
I have to encrypt some data with AES128/CBS/PKCS5padding. I'm in Symbian^3.
I've tried with QCA and i didn't solve my problem, because i couldn't compile files and obtain library to use and i couldn't include QCrypto in my project.
Did someone solve similar problem?
Is there another library to use???
Thank you!

29th October 2011, 08:32
You can use OpenSSL directly.

2nd November 2011, 09:18
Thank you!
I tried to use OpenSSl, but i couldn't to do it, because i didn't find the currect library and the explanations for how to use that.
Can you help me?
Thank you!

6th November 2011, 00:01