View Full Version : Problem with Qt Designer… Help Me…

29th October 2011, 09:03
Hello guys…

I’m using Nokia Qt SDK 1.1.3 with Qt creator 2.3.0…
I wanna use it on linux platform… So I downloaded “Qt_SDK_Lin32_offline_v1_1_3_en.run” and installed on Ubuntu 11.04 ‘32bit’…
On Microsoft I can add button & other component with Qt designer but on linux I can’t add button & any other component with Qt Designer… When I drag & drop a button or toolButton etc on a Rectangle It show me nothing… Only a blank Rectangle… Can anyone tell me how do I fix it ?

Sorry for my poor english…
Please help me guys coz Qt Quick is very important for me…

30th October 2011, 06:35
before you execute .run, are you use chmod "u+x Qt_SDK_Lin32_offline_v1_1_3_en.run"?
Are you do full install?
Can you see in applications shortcut qt designer?

30th October 2011, 09:28
I used that command and I installed full of Qt SDK...

Take a look here when I want to use symbian component...