View Full Version : curious build/link issue including qwt in existing project [RESOLVED]

4th November 2011, 13:53
Hi all,

I'm new to qwt, I've installed it and tested it successfully and that's pretty cool !

So, I decided to include it in an existing qt project which builds and runs fine. (I need to plot curves)

But, when I add these lines in the pro file of my project :

QWT_LOCATION = C:/QtSDK/qwt-6.0.1
LIBS = -L$${QWT_LOCATION}/lib -lqwt

I've got errors "undefined reference to inet_addr@4" as if winsock2 wasn't found ... (also with ni488.h, a GPIB library)

I really don't understand and really don't know where to look to resolve my problem ... so ... please help ... any ideas are welcome

thanks in advance,

EDIT : SHAME ON ME !!!!!!! SO SORRY !!!!

I was on this issue since yesterday and I missed the LIBS "=" instead of LIBS "+=" !!!!!!!

thanks anyway