View Full Version : Build Qwt with msvc2010 fails

6th November 2011, 17:15
Dear people,

I’m not succeeding in the installation of Qwt. My operating system is Windows XP. I’ve installed MSVC2010 with the Windows SDK and Qt 4.7.2. Building Windows C++ applications goes fine. As well as stand-alone Qt applications. My system configuration might be slightly different than other users because I build Qt statically, so I don’t need to sent DLLs over when the application is deployed. Besides that I entered all environment variables from vcvars32.bat into fixed system environment variables. Because I didn’t want to launch the vcvars32.bat file every time. Moreover I prefer to build Qt applications with nmake instead of qmake, but that isn’t a problem for me.

Now I downloaded Qwt 6.0.1. Extracted to zip file. Moved it to the location where I want the library to reside. I opened the command prompt at that location and entered the following commands exactly like the INSTALL instruction file specifies.

1. qmake qwt.pro
2. nmake

The second command fails. Although it appears a lot is already build, but after some time I get linker errors like this:

qwt_wheel.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) double const * const qt_sine_table" (__imp_?qt_sine_table@@3QBNB)

followed by:

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'echo' : return code '0x460'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'D:\dev\SW\MSVC10\vc\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2'

I think I need to adjust some *.pro or *.pri files. But when I read some threads here about this subject I couldn’t find a unanimous solution or a solution for my combination of tools (msvc2010, Qwt6.0.1, nmake, static Qt). So I’m a bit frustrated.

Do you have clear, detailed and understandable instructions how I need to build Qwt on my system?

Thank you very much for your effort!

Best regards,

10th November 2011, 14:40
Dear people,

Sorry for my demanding tone in the previous post. Any help is greatly appreciated. I guess a slight modification to some *.pro or *.pri files must do the trick in the build of Qwt. Maybe the static build of Qt itself is not compatible with the default build settings of Qwt.

Best regards,

11th November 2011, 06:50

There is a line in the qwtconfig.pri file that specifies whether or not to build Qwt statically (line 61). The instructions in there say to disable that line to build the library statically. That should partially help out your problem.
