View Full Version : Problems about openGL on windows xp

7th November 2011, 14:51
I run the Qt Demo on Windows XP.Some of the examples works quite well while some do not.For example,running the "Sample Buffers" under the folder OpenGL,it shows that "This system does not have sample buffer support".And other warnings are like "This system does not support OpenGL/pbuffers" , "The OpenGL extensions required to run this demo are missing.The program will now exit." , "Minehunt will not run properly if the C++ plugin is not compiled." and so on!
What's wrong with it ?What should I do?Thanks very much!

8th November 2011, 09:35
About the OpenGL errors - maybe your graphics card just does not support needed opengl extensions ?

8th November 2011, 11:17
Is there any possibility that the reason is my system doesn't have the necessary files or lib?I know windows just supports openGL 1.0 originally.And it works very well on linux (ubuntu) .

8th November 2011, 12:58
If it works on linux on the same machine, then it looks like graphics card is ok - try to update drivers on windows.

10th November 2011, 01:41
I use it's original Intel graphic driver.How to update it?

10th November 2011, 08:00
Try on the graphics card vendor website.