View Full Version : Where i can find Checkbox component in QML ?

15th November 2011, 01:57
Hi everybody, i have read the code about checkbox in QML

CheckBox {
id: checkBox
text: "Check box text"
Text {
text: checkBox.checked ? "Checked" : "Unchecked"
font.pixelSize: platformStyle.fontSizeMedium
font.family: platformStyle.fontFamilyRegular
color: platformStyle.colorNormalLight

i use Qt 4.7, but the code doesn't work.
Is there any module that i have to add into program ???
Please help me , thank you so much ..

15th November 2011, 10:50
There's no built-in CheckBox component for desktop operation systems, you need Qt Quick Components for Desktop (http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/10/qml-components-for-desktop/).

17th November 2011, 01:42
Thank you Oleg, i have found that there is a Nokia plugin for Check Box component
using this import comment

import com.nokia.symbian 1.0