View Full Version : help installing desktop-component

20th November 2011, 07:55
Hello all
i download and install the QtSDK1.1.3 (using the wizard) to C:/Qt/QtSDK
i clone the desktop component from the git to C:/Qt/desktop-components
my application is in C:/workspace/MyApp (need to run on Windows/Mac and maybe Linux)
i try the following: (i think its not the right way) 1) open the .pro file in QtCreator 2) run build 3) copy the folder desktop-component to MyApp folder and use it for some files it work but files like SplitterColumn it give me an error say the QtDesktop module is not install
so what is the steps to install the desktop component module so i can use it in my application????

28th November 2011, 16:47
You have to do a make install. I don't think you can conveniently do this from inside creator so open the Qt Command shell, and do a make && make install to copy the compiled files. Alternatively you can set the QML_IMPORT_PATH environment variable to point to the desktop components directory.