View Full Version : Qwt app over http

24th November 2011, 16:52
Hi all;
I have a group of apps that currently only runs on the operators control panel. Recently the mechanics have asked for the functionality to be extended to wireless terminals.
The app checks permissive bits, then outputs a value to a servo system, and locked the servo when null is achieved and 2 use a live QwtPlot and all use a QwtKnob. How can I export these interfaces through the ethernet?
BTW this is on a private network in a secure facility so security isn't the same as if the network was visible to the world.

24th November 2011, 19:08
How can I export these interfaces through the ethernet?
Use X11 or something like VNC ( f.e. with Qt Embedded ) or NX when working with suboptimal environments?


24th November 2011, 19:14
The issue I see with X11 is that I can't tell what the other end of the connection is going to be. That is why I was thinking of a Qt app running like a cgi executable.